關於mount sinai的評價, Joseph Prince
One day when I was studying God’s Word, the Lord told me, "Son, study the children of Israel from t...
One day when I was studying God’s Word, the Lord told me, "Son, study the children of Israel from t...
The menorah: make Jesus the center of your life —...
One day when I was studying God’s Word, the Lord ...
The bronze altar: Jesus bore all judgment for us! ...
What was really on God’s heart when He spoke to M...
The redemptive work of Jesus Christ has placed yo...
And next to Eunoia JC, there will be Pneumonia Sec...
【天涯若比鄰】 還記得疫情之初,身在海外的香港人為我們張羅口罩嗎?如今,美國特別是紐約正經歷前所未...
Ever wondered what was really on God’s heart when ...
【DW】德國之聲: 《當有些窮國或政府採購不足的國家人民還打不到疫苗時,有些歐美人卻拒絕接種》 本...